Reuters tries to instill fear of “fake” voter fraud stories. Result? Fail.

U.S. vote authorities warned to be alert to Russian hacks faking fraud: officials

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials are warning that hackers with ties to Russia’s intelligence services could try to undermine the credibility of the presidential election by posting documents online purporting to show evidence of voter fraud.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said however, that the U.S. election system is so large, diffuse and antiquated that hackers would not be able to change the outcome of the Nov. 8 election.

But hackers could post documents, some of which might be falsified, that are designed to create public perceptions of widespread voter fraud, the officials said. [Emphasis mine]

Isn’t it amazing that, just as reports are coming out about voter fraud attempts happening, as early voting begins across the country, here comes Reuters to the “rescue” of the Dem talking point that voter fraud is a myth … well, it’s rare … well, it’s never been proven to affect the outcome of any election (Rossi v. Gregoire, anyone? Yeah, I still remember that “keep finding & counting votes until we have enough” bull) … well, we don’t approve/condone it (ACORN – defunct since 2010, thankfully).

Authors David Rohde and Mark Hosenball offer up a mish-mash here, kind of an all-in-one article about hackers hacking antiquated voting machines that you can’t hack (you can’t hack anything that isn’t connected to the internet, eh?), to hacking voter data bases (that is definitely a possibility, since it’s already happened), to “false” reports that could, just maybe, might give the impression that there is (insert Dem talking point – nonexistent – here) widespread voter fraud, all of this information garnered from unnamed US Intelligence and Law Enforcement officials. How convenient!

Well, let’s try doing a search for fraudulent and/or fake voter fraud articles, and then we’ll do a search for real voter fraud articles, shall we?

First up, faked voter fraud. As you can see, there are only two examples that actually talk about fake voter fraud, on the first page of the search results, out of 53,400 total articles.

So, let’s take a look at articles about real voter fraud. Hmmm, out of 3,400,000 every article on the first page of the search results is reporting real voter fraud.

And, just to be fair, let’s check in at Reuters, and see how many articles they’ve done dedicated to this subject. There are a total of 542 results returned from a search of “Voter fraud in the US” (I had to change the search term to more specific words, since Reuters is not based in the US), and the majority of the articles on the first page have to do with voter ID laws cutting done on voter fraud.

So Mssrs. David Rohde and Mark Hosenball’s attempt at instilling ever deeper the Dem talking point(s) about voter fraud – that it’s either a false myth, or nonexistent is easily refutable, once you take the time to unscramble their jumble of obfuscation and scare mongering.

Author: Gray Wolf

US Navy (R) vet of the Cold War/Viet Nam War Era. Reagan Republican. Used to work in the Multi-family Housing industry, but now retired. Seahawks and Mariners fan since their respective inceptions.

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