This kind of crap has to stop!

Part of Clinton campaign headquarters evacuated over suspicious white powder

One floor of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s national campaign headquarters was evacuated Friday evening after a white powdery substance caused a security scare.

The New York Police Department said the substance was discovered in an envelope opened by two interns at Clinton’s Manhattan office at around 5:30 p.m. It was then taken to the 11th floor of her Brooklyn headquarters.

The New York Post reported that emergency services ordered the floor to be evacuated after four people were exposed to the substance.

An NYPD spokesman declined to identify the substance, but said that tests showed it was not harmful.

First we have the fire bombing of an RNC office, followed by a paving stone thrown through a window at another RNC office, now this. Contrary to what some writers have been saying, we are not yet a banana republic, but I fear we may be heading down that path if crap like this continues to happen.

I personally loath both candidates, but that doesn’t mean I can sit back and cheer (Take THAT, you so-and-so!) when crap like this happens. That’s not how I roll folks, and it shouldn’t be how you roll either, regardless of which side of the aisle you stand.

I’m glad that the material turned out to be harmless and that no one suffered injury.

This kind of crap has to stop!

Author: Gray Wolf

US Navy (R) vet of the Cold War/Viet Nam War Era. Reagan Republican. Used to work in the Multi-family Housing industry, but now retired. Seahawks and Mariners fan since their respective inceptions.

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