N Korea crying about sanctions – again.

North Korea unhappy about UN threat of more sanctions

PYONGYANG, North Korea – North Korean officials lashed out Monday at efforts in the United Nations to strengthen sanctions following the North’s latest missile launches and nuclear test in September.

The officials told an Associated Press Television crew in Pyongyang that sanctions targeting the nuclear and missile tests are “criminal documents” and accused the United States of orchestrating the condemnation.

The United Nations has imposed sanctions on North Korea since 2006 for its nuclear tests and rocket launches. Last week, the U.N. Security Council called on members to “redouble their sanction efforts.”

“The sanction resolutions of the U.N. Security Council are illegal criminal documents,” Pang Kwang Hyok, vice director of the department of international organizations at the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the APTN crew in Pyongyang. The North’s mission to the U.N. issued a similar statement that was distributed by North Korean state media on Monday.

“These resolutions determined that our nuclear tests and satellite launches pose threats to international peace and security, but then the problem is why has the U.N. Security Council never taken issue with the nuclear tests and satellite launches conducted by other countries?” Pang said.

The issue has intensified since the United States and South Korea said they detected two failed North Korean missile launches this month, possibly of Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

The ineffectual, yet still dangerous, little bully-boy of Asia is stamping their foot in yet another temper tantrum directed at the UN and the US, crying to anyone who will dutifully listen to their ludicrous claims of “innocence”. In this particular instance, they even go so far as to complain that no one complains when other countries make explodey with big bomb do nuclear tests and/or launch satellites, never mind that according to this list, North Korea is the only country that has done any nuclear tests this century, with India and Pakistan having been the latest to have had tests previously, and that was in 1998, and also never mind that your Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missiles are being developed to deliver munitions warheads, not satellites. They’re designated intermediate-range ballistic missiles because after they go up an intermediate distance, they come back down, in an arc shaped trajectory (unlike the trajectory and distance for satellite delivery missiles).

So, to briefly recap, N. Korea is conducting nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests, which they have been repeatedly sanctioned for, and they’re complaining that because they are continuing to do something that they have agreed not to do (on more than one occasion, again repeatedly), a consequence of which are tougher sanctions, they’re saying “It’s not fair!” and stamping their foot like some 10 year old bully-boy brat who just got caught threatening to hit another kid with the stick in his hand all the while denying that he has a stick in his hand.

Well, boo hoo for having your precious little feelings hurt. Act like an adult, more than likely you’ll be treated as one. Act like some 10 year old bully-boy brat who just got caught threatening to hit another kid with the stick in his hand all the while denying that he has a stick in his hand, and you’ll be treated like one – like now, for instance. So, which is it gonna be?

My money’s on the 10 year old kid with the stick in his hand.

Author: Gray Wolf

US Navy (R) vet of the Cold War/Viet Nam War Era. Reagan Republican. Used to work in the Multi-family Housing industry, but now retired. Seahawks and Mariners fan since their respective inceptions.

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