Unaffordable health care

President pushes ObamaCare despite double-digit rate hikes

Despite rate and deductible increases, President Obama on Thursday defended his namesake health care program and said millions of Americans “now know the financial security of health insurance” because of the Affordable Care Act.

The financial security of health insurance? AYFKM? If this statement wasn’t so pathetically immoral, it would be hilarious. As the old TV ad slogan goes, “But wait! There’s more!”

His remarks came as ObamaCare sticker shock is getting even worse in some parts of the country, as more and more states are approving soaring rate increases for next year- with one Arizona town seeing a 75 percent hike and another in Minnesota seeing a 190 percent increase in deductibles over the course of four years.

“It’s absolutely unaffordable,” Minnesota Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt told FoxNews.com. “I don’t even consider that health coverage.”

With some families forced to shell out $2,000 a month for insurance that comes with a whopping $13,000 deductible, Daudt said for some the only option is to pull their coverage and pay a fee for not having insurance, which in 2016 came out to $695 per adult and $347.50 per child (up to a maximum of $2085.)

“It’s catastrophic,” Daudt said, adding that he’s talked to Minnesotans who are being forced to financially drop their coverage, pay the fine and save money on the side for medical emergencies.

However Obama, speaking in Miami, maintained “It’s worked,” but admitted the program wasn’t perfect. “No law is.”

It’s worked? Insofar as it has fundamentally transformed American healthcare from something that generally worked well (with fixable problems) and was generally affordable (although it’s a fact that not all could afford to have insurance), to the current disaster that it is today that doesn’t work well at all and is no where near affordable (hence the subsidies – hello!), if that was your goal, well you made it across that goal line.

But here’s the two elephants in the room that the administration and their media hacks rarely admit to –

1. Government subsidies to allay the cost of health insurance. Remember that broken promise (among many more lies) that your insurance would be cheaper? If that was ever the intended outcome (it wasn’t – see below), then what was the purpose of including the government subsidies to allay the cost of health insurance? If the cost was going to go down, why were the subsidies even needed? Because they knew that they were lying about the costs going down, and that they would be going up, instead. And who pays for those government subsidies to allay the cost of health insurance? Not the insurance companies, that’s for sure. The clue here, in case your eyes are glazing over by this point, is the word “government”. Where does the government get it’s money? Yeah, you guessed it – the taxpayers. So, in essence, we’re being forced to double dip in this scam, through having to pay higher premiums and deductibles – IF we can even afford to have insurance – and having to subsidize others so they can “afford” to have health insurance. Double irony in my own life – I can’t afford health insurance, as I’m on a fixed disability income, yet through my taxes, others are getting subsidies so they can get health insurance. Go figure. Oh, don’t bother suggesting I apply for a subsidy. The tax/fine is still less than the premiums and deductibles I’d have to pay.

2. This law was never intended to be a good, working, and effective piece of legislation. Let me repeat that. This law was never intended to be a good, working, and effective piece of legislation. The mask has slipped a couple of times, with the media quickly rushing in to go, “Look! TRUMP!”, to distract everyone away from where the mask slipped. What am I talking about? What is this “mask”? The “mask”, the cover up, is the desire on the Left to get us into a single payer system eventually, where the government in essence is both your insurer and your provider, but the sooner the better. If you aren’t sure what a single payer system is, look no further than our own VA health system. The system that has literally allowed hundreds of veterans to die as they rationed health “care” – from appointments to drugs to even which doctors they could see. Or, for a couple of other examples of rationed “care”, look no further than Britain and Canada. I, for one, certainly don’t want to see single payer as the government has proven time and again that they are inept as running a business, and they should not be allowed to run this one!

Other related links –

Republicans pounce on Obamacare after White House announcement

Make sure to check out the chart showing the premium change rates.

Gerri Willis: The ObamaCare endgame is coming into view

The ObamaCare endgame is coming into view. In Colorado, where ObamaCare enrollees face 20 percent premium hikes, voters will decide Nov. 8 whether to create a new single payer healthcare system. Said to cost $25 billion, the new ColoradoCare would be funded by a 10 percent payroll tax plus various other levies. Keep in mind that state’s entire budget is just $27 billion.

Likewise, the president last week said the antidote to the loss of major private insurers from ObamaCare is the creation of a government-backed insurer to provide competition on exchanges that have none. Who knows how much that would cost or if it could even be successful? I guess he’s hoping the American people failed to notice that $330 billion in taxpayer dollars has already been spent on Obamacare, with lackluster results.

In the same speech made in Miami, the president said we should regard ObamaCare as “a starter home. “It’s a lot better than not having a home,” he said. “But over time, you hope you can make improvements.”

Adding starter home to the earlier Galaxy 7 cell phones? Oooh, President Metaphor is on a roll! Yeah, Gerri isn’t impressed either.

While the ObamaCare political football gets batted back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, millions of Americans are praying that they don’t get hurt in the process. And, they don’t want a starter home. They want top notch health care that they can choose.

What’s it all add up to? The very Unaffordable health care law is going to become even less affordable, as the Left tries to bully the rest of into their preferred plan of a single payer system. We cannot allow that to happen.

N Korea crying about sanctions – again.

North Korea unhappy about UN threat of more sanctions

PYONGYANG, North Korea – North Korean officials lashed out Monday at efforts in the United Nations to strengthen sanctions following the North’s latest missile launches and nuclear test in September.

The officials told an Associated Press Television crew in Pyongyang that sanctions targeting the nuclear and missile tests are “criminal documents” and accused the United States of orchestrating the condemnation.

The United Nations has imposed sanctions on North Korea since 2006 for its nuclear tests and rocket launches. Last week, the U.N. Security Council called on members to “redouble their sanction efforts.”

“The sanction resolutions of the U.N. Security Council are illegal criminal documents,” Pang Kwang Hyok, vice director of the department of international organizations at the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the APTN crew in Pyongyang. The North’s mission to the U.N. issued a similar statement that was distributed by North Korean state media on Monday.

“These resolutions determined that our nuclear tests and satellite launches pose threats to international peace and security, but then the problem is why has the U.N. Security Council never taken issue with the nuclear tests and satellite launches conducted by other countries?” Pang said.

The issue has intensified since the United States and South Korea said they detected two failed North Korean missile launches this month, possibly of Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missiles.

The ineffectual, yet still dangerous, little bully-boy of Asia is stamping their foot in yet another temper tantrum directed at the UN and the US, crying to anyone who will dutifully listen to their ludicrous claims of “innocence”. In this particular instance, they even go so far as to complain that no one complains when other countries make explodey with big bomb do nuclear tests and/or launch satellites, never mind that according to this list, North Korea is the only country that has done any nuclear tests this century, with India and Pakistan having been the latest to have had tests previously, and that was in 1998, and also never mind that your Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missiles are being developed to deliver munitions warheads, not satellites. They’re designated intermediate-range ballistic missiles because after they go up an intermediate distance, they come back down, in an arc shaped trajectory (unlike the trajectory and distance for satellite delivery missiles).

So, to briefly recap, N. Korea is conducting nuclear weapons and ballistic missile tests, which they have been repeatedly sanctioned for, and they’re complaining that because they are continuing to do something that they have agreed not to do (on more than one occasion, again repeatedly), a consequence of which are tougher sanctions, they’re saying “It’s not fair!” and stamping their foot like some 10 year old bully-boy brat who just got caught threatening to hit another kid with the stick in his hand all the while denying that he has a stick in his hand.

Well, boo hoo for having your precious little feelings hurt. Act like an adult, more than likely you’ll be treated as one. Act like some 10 year old bully-boy brat who just got caught threatening to hit another kid with the stick in his hand all the while denying that he has a stick in his hand, and you’ll be treated like one – like now, for instance. So, which is it gonna be?

My money’s on the 10 year old kid with the stick in his hand.

Radical Tom Hayden dead at 76

Tom Hayden, famed 1960s anti-war activist, dies at 76

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Famed ’60s anti-war activist Tom Hayden, whose name became forever linked with the celebrated Chicago 7 trial, Vietnam War protests and his ex-wife actress Jane Fonda, has died. He was 76.

He died on Sunday after a long illness, said his wife, Barbara Williams, noting that he suffered a stroke in 2015.

Hayden, once denounced as a traitor by his detractors, overcame his past and won election to the California Assembly and Senate where he served for almost two decades as a progressive force on such issues as the environment and education. He was the only one of the radical Chicago 7 defendants to win such distinction in the mainstream political world.

And so begin the fawning eulogies for radical leftist Tom Hayden, one of the founders of Students for a Democratic Society, one of the most violent domestic terrorist groups ever seen in America, former husband to Hanoi Jane Fonda (who also traveled to North Vietnam during that war with Hanoi Jane), and a co-defendant in the infamous Chicago 7 trial with fellow radicals Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Rennie Davis, John Froines, Lee Weiner, and David Dellinger.

Make no mistake here. Tom Hayden, no dummy, took advantage of, and worked within, our political system to promote his leftist, progressive agenda in a solidly “blue” area of California which got him elected to the State Assembly. Getting elected does not necessarily mean he “overcame his past”, just that, instead of inciting to riot as in Chicago, he chose a, let’s say, more productive avenue for pushing his agenda. He never did leave behind his radicalism – he just figured out how to hide it from the gullible.

Because you can expect to be inundated with articles and video of interviews of people who knew poor old Tom (“He’ll be missed.” … “He was a leading light.” … “He was a regular guy.”, etc., ad nauseum) – in between shots at you know who, of course – I wanted to get this up as soon as possible.

Corruption conviction in NC

NC judge convicted of trying to bribe federal agent with Bud Light

A Superior Court judge was convicted Friday on charges that he tried to bribe a federal agent with two cases of Bud Light to get copies of text messages from the phones of the judge’s wife and another man.

A defense attorney announced immediate plans to appeal the verdict against Wayne County Judge Arnold O. Jones II. The verdict came after jurors deliberated for less than an hour.

Sentencing is set for Jan. 23. But before then, the defense team will get one more opportunity to argue to U.S. District Judge James C. Fox that the case should not have gone to the jury because prosecutors failed to bring enough evidence.

Jones – the senior resident Superior Court judge in a judicial district that includes Wayne, Lenoir and Greene counties – is on administrative leave from his post but campaigning for re-election in November.

He was convicted of three felonies – paying a bribe to a public official, promising and paying a gratuity to a public official, and corruptly attempting to influence an official proceeding.

Corruption doesn’t just happen at the federal level, as this case plainly shows, but this particular case caught my eye because of the absurdity of what happened, and one particular statement made in a paragraph near the end of the article.

The absurdity – a man, who just happens to be a judge on a commission looking at previous convictions to see if any should be over turned (possibly making law enforcement folks nervous/anxious/jittery/just plain pissed off), thinks his wife is cheating on him and asks a cop to help him find out, offering him Bud Light as his “reward”, which was then later changed to $100.00 (which makes sense – I happen to like BL, but I like $100.00 more, as I can get more BL if I want, right?). Things did not go well for the judge, which is fitting. A side note here, though: If his conviction is upheld, pending appeal, does this not put at risk/prejudice any cases he worked on with the commission?

Now, the usual way to go about finding out the information the judge wanted, if you watch TV and the movies, is to hire a private investigator! Right? Duh! Just goes to show you that just because you’re a judge, that doesn’t make you smart.

Now for that one paragraph I mentioned earlier. Take it away, FBI –

John Strong, special agent in charge of the FBI in North Carolina, added, “Corruption will not be tolerated, no matter the level of government, the complexity of the scheme or the names of those committing the fraud. Rooting out public corruption is the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority, and we rely on our law enforcement partners and citizens to help us identify those offenders who put our democracy at risk.” [Emphasis mine]

I’m sorry, Agent Strong, but FBI Director Comey’s actions in the Clinton case belie your statement, and until such time as he resigns, every time I see a statement like yours, I’ll have to say that.

And that pains me greatly.

This kind of crap has to stop!

Part of Clinton campaign headquarters evacuated over suspicious white powder

One floor of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s national campaign headquarters was evacuated Friday evening after a white powdery substance caused a security scare.

The New York Police Department said the substance was discovered in an envelope opened by two interns at Clinton’s Manhattan office at around 5:30 p.m. It was then taken to the 11th floor of her Brooklyn headquarters.

The New York Post reported that emergency services ordered the floor to be evacuated after four people were exposed to the substance.

An NYPD spokesman declined to identify the substance, but said that tests showed it was not harmful.

First we have the fire bombing of an RNC office, followed by a paving stone thrown through a window at another RNC office, now this. Contrary to what some writers have been saying, we are not yet a banana republic, but I fear we may be heading down that path if crap like this continues to happen.

I personally loath both candidates, but that doesn’t mean I can sit back and cheer (Take THAT, you so-and-so!) when crap like this happens. That’s not how I roll folks, and it shouldn’t be how you roll either, regardless of which side of the aisle you stand.

I’m glad that the material turned out to be harmless and that no one suffered injury.

This kind of crap has to stop!

Reuters tries to instill fear of “fake” voter fraud stories. Result? Fail.

U.S. vote authorities warned to be alert to Russian hacks faking fraud: officials

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials are warning that hackers with ties to Russia’s intelligence services could try to undermine the credibility of the presidential election by posting documents online purporting to show evidence of voter fraud.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said however, that the U.S. election system is so large, diffuse and antiquated that hackers would not be able to change the outcome of the Nov. 8 election.

But hackers could post documents, some of which might be falsified, that are designed to create public perceptions of widespread voter fraud, the officials said. [Emphasis mine]

Isn’t it amazing that, just as reports are coming out about voter fraud attempts happening, as early voting begins across the country, here comes Reuters to the “rescue” of the Dem talking point that voter fraud is a myth … well, it’s rare … well, it’s never been proven to affect the outcome of any election (Rossi v. Gregoire, anyone? Yeah, I still remember that “keep finding & counting votes until we have enough” bull) … well, we don’t approve/condone it (ACORN – defunct since 2010, thankfully).

Authors David Rohde and Mark Hosenball offer up a mish-mash here, kind of an all-in-one article about hackers hacking antiquated voting machines that you can’t hack (you can’t hack anything that isn’t connected to the internet, eh?), to hacking voter data bases (that is definitely a possibility, since it’s already happened), to “false” reports that could, just maybe, might give the impression that there is (insert Dem talking point – nonexistent – here) widespread voter fraud, all of this information garnered from unnamed US Intelligence and Law Enforcement officials. How convenient!

Well, let’s try doing a search for fraudulent and/or fake voter fraud articles, and then we’ll do a search for real voter fraud articles, shall we?

First up, faked voter fraud. As you can see, there are only two examples that actually talk about fake voter fraud, on the first page of the search results, out of 53,400 total articles.

So, let’s take a look at articles about real voter fraud. Hmmm, out of 3,400,000 every article on the first page of the search results is reporting real voter fraud.

And, just to be fair, let’s check in at Reuters, and see how many articles they’ve done dedicated to this subject. There are a total of 542 results returned from a search of “Voter fraud in the US” (I had to change the search term to more specific words, since Reuters is not based in the US), and the majority of the articles on the first page have to do with voter ID laws cutting done on voter fraud.

So Mssrs. David Rohde and Mark Hosenball’s attempt at instilling ever deeper the Dem talking point(s) about voter fraud – that it’s either a false myth, or nonexistent is easily refutable, once you take the time to unscramble their jumble of obfuscation and scare mongering.

Will these new revelations matter?

Update: 1,000 Clinton-Petraeus emails missing from records sent to State, FBI files show

Roughly 1,000 emails between Hillary Clinton and Gen. David Petraeus were thought to be missing from the 30,000 emails provided by Clinton’s team to the State Department in December 2014, according to the newly released FBI investigative files.

Additional documents obtained through a federal lawsuit by Judicial Watch show Clinton had directed Petraeus to send her emails at her personal address, which was used for all government work during her tenure as secretary of state.

In a heavily redacted FBI interview summary from Aug. 17, 2015, a State Department employee from the Office of Information and Programs and Services (IPS), which handles Freedom of Information Act requests, discussed how Petraeus’ records apparently were not among the work-related emails provided by the former secretary’s team.

Once again, it took a lawsuit from Judicial Watch to get these additional work related emails released. More from them on this is here.

Original post continues –

Two semi-related news articles today about Clinton emails that illustrate her corruption, as well as the on-going corruption at State, plus the corruption evinced by her aides. My question – will these new revelations matter in the end? See below for my conclusion.

Clinton server email at heart of ‘quid pro quo’ controversy contained Benghazi intel

The email at the heart of a “quid pro quo” controversy involving a senior State Department executive and the FBI contained intelligence about suspects in the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, two government sources told Fox News.

Heavily redacted FBI interview summaries, known as 302s, state that Patrick Kennedy, a top lieutenant to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, wanted to deep-six the email – which was one of two on her personal server that kick-started the FBI investigation into the mishandling of classified information on her unsecured system.

Abedin implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid $12 million commitment

Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of “pay to play” at the Clinton Foundation, a new batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning charges that the candidate herself was at the center of negotiating a $12 million commitment from King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

One of the more remarkable parts of the charge is that the allegation came from Clinton’s loyal aide, Huma Abedin, who described the connection in a January 2015 email exchange with two top advisers to the candidate, John Podesta and Robby Mook.

Abedin wrote that “this was HRC’s idea” for her to speak at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in Morocco in May 2015 as an explicit condition for the $12 million commitment from the king.

“She created this mess and she knows it,” Abedin wrote to Podesta and Mook.

At the beginning of this post I asked will these new revelations matter in the end?

Not as long as Loretta Lynch is the Attorney General and James Comey is the Director of the FBI, because to do anything remotely related to doing their job and bringing everyone involved before a grand jury, would mean that they would be indicting their potential new boss, Hillary Clinton, and that would be both political and career “suicide” for both of them, and they both know it. Throw in the fact that the current occupant of the WH is also involved through his “anonymous” emails to Clinton through her illegal home brewed server … well, suffice it to say that absolutely nothing will be done.

So, no, these new revelations don’t matter. To think otherwise is delusional.

Will there be more spies found after this?

UpdateJudge orders ex-NSA contractor accused of stealing secrets held in custody

BALTIMORE – A former National Security Agency contractor accused in a massive theft of classified information will remain in custody as prosecutors continue building a criminal case against him, a federal judge ruled Friday.

U.S. Magistrate Judge A. David Copperthite agreed with prosecutors that Harold T. Martin III of Glen Burnie, Md., represented a flight risk if released and said there was no doubt that the top secret information he was accused of stealing over two decades is something “this country’s enemies would love to explore.”

Martin’s lawyers foreshadowed their upcoming defense, describing him as a “compulsive hoarder” and saying there was no evidence he ever shared the information with a foreign country or even intended to do so.

1. The judge in this case did the right thing in keeping Martin behind bars.

2. Martin’s lawyers are delusional if they think they can paint their client as a simpleton “hoarder” who had no intention of delivering any of the 50 terabytes (!) worth of information to any foreign actors, since he was apparently in the beginning stages of doing just that.

Ex-NSA contractor committed ‘breathtaking’ theft of secrets, feds say

WASHINGTON – A former National Security Agency contractor’s theft of top secret government information was “breathtaking in its longevity and scale,” federal prosecutors said in a court filing Thursday aimed at keeping the man locked up as the case moves forward.

The Justice Department also said it anticipated bringing additional charges against Harold T. Martin III, including under the Espionage Act, which would expose him to far harsher penalties.

Apparently you have to have intent to sell classified government information, rather than just be “careless” in handling it and leaving it ‘out there’ for just anybody to come snooping around (no evidence that happened, but it might have, maybe, we don’t really know/care *shrug* …), in order for the FBI to come down on your pointy little peon head with the big hammer, and put you behind bars.

Mr. Martin, I believe that, if the charges are true, you are a scumbag of the highest order and you should be tried for treason (with the death penalty applied). However, there is this one little oddity with our judicial system (it’s no longer a “justice” system) and that an accused person is still presumed innocent until proven guilty. With that in mind, I would presume to give you and your attorney(s) this one little nugget of advice – “But Hillary Clinton did it too, and she got off scott free!” – it won’t work of course, but it would put in stark contrast on a national stage, the difference in “justice” the elites face, and what us normal peons face.

The filing offers additional details about the enormous volume of information prosecutors believe he stole and reveals the Justice Department’s concern that Martin is or could be in contact with a foreign government. Prosecutors note that Martin has had online communication in Russian and, if freed, “could seek refuge with a foreign government willing to shield him from facing justice.”

“Given the nature of his offenses and knowledge of national secrets, he presents tremendous value to any foreign power that may wish to shelter him within or outside of the United States,” prosecutors said

A detention hearing was scheduled for Friday afternoon in Baltimore. Martin’s attorneys have said he never intended to harm his country and that he does not pose a danger or a flight risk.

Even though defense attorneys are (sometimes) paid the big bucks to paint their client as a paragon of virtue (even though the very fact that the client is up on charges kind of belies that “fact”, no?), I usually just kind of roll with whatever they say about their client, shrugging it off as “Hey, they’re just doing their job.” and move on to the next item on the “to read” list, but in this particular case, because of the notes Miller allegedly made (see later in the article) and the length of time involved here (1996 – 2016!), my BS meter pegged when I read that last sentence.

Never intended to cause harm? Not a danger? Not a flight risk? If the allegations are proven true, whether by intent or not (and why would you do something like this for 20 years if you weren’t going to monetize your efforts?) Mr. Martin has caused harm to the United States. Even if the allegations are later shown to be not true, Mr. Martin has caused harm to the United States simply by having these charges brought against him and having the case go public, eroding the confidence and trust in our intelligence agencies in general, and the NSA specifically.

Eroding the confidence and trust in our intelligence agencies in general is where the danger comes in. If we (and by we, I mean the leaders in the government, of course) can’t have confidence in our intelligence agencies, and trust what they tell us about the dangerous world we live in, how can we be prepared to defend the American people? If we don’t listen to the NSA, DIA and the several branch agencies under DoD, CIA, etc., we won’t be able to prevent the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11 attack, which could potentially be much worse.

As for not being a flight risk? Yeah. Sure. Snowden, anyone? That dude did the same thing and he’s living where now? Behind bars in Leavenworth? Pssh, no. He’s in some free rent apartment somewhere in downtown Moscow – and I don’t mean Moscow, Idaho, either. You can’t tell me … well, I guess you can, but I won’t believe it … that Martin wouldn’t do the exact same thing as Snowden did if he had the opportunity to do so. Heck, if faced with the prospect of going through harsh cold winters in a 9 x 12 (or whatever size they are – just guessing) cell that I didn’t have the key to the front (only) door, or harsh cold winters in a small apartment that I did have the key to the front door, I personally would choose the latter, and I’m sure Mr. Martin would too. Ergo, automatically a flight risk. Lock him up to make sure he goes to trial.

Mr. Martin has been brought up on charges, but is he the last one, or will there be more spies dug out in the near future?

Could these be connected?

Well. It seems the plot thickens a bit more as we draw ever closer to election day. Some recent events may be more connected than some people would like, or have maybe even thought about. What am I talking about? Check out some recent headlines –

North Carolina GOP headquarters firebombed
Local Democrats rallied after this event (kudos to them) to help raise funds to help out the Republican folks rebuild (and I posted about that here). People from both sides of the political aisle condemned this terrible act, as well they should have. Trump chimed in to say that it was done by some Democrat operatives, but as usual with anything Trump, I was (highly) skeptical.

Then we have this –

New Project Veritas video: How left-wing groups and the DNC arrange astroturf agitation at Trump events for Hillary’s benefit

Hmmm … RCP has more? Ah, yep.

DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

So, once again, James O’Keefe releases undercover ‘sting’ video’s and nearly breaks the internet as the usual uproar of outrage ensues, as forces from both sides of the aisle yell, scream, shout and point fingers at each other, while some on the Left say that his video’s aren’t … well to be kind, let’s just say that they aren’t to be taken seriously, etc., that he’s done stuff like this before that was debunked, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, really? Twenty four hours later –

Vandals throw bricks through windows at Delaware County Republican Party office

DELAWARE COUNTY, Ind. – The Delaware County Republican Party said vandals struck at their office last week.

Someone threw two landscaping bricks through a window on Oct. 8. Signs for Donald Trump and Todd Young were hanging on the window at the time, according to the group’s Facebook page.

And then … remember how this was all somehow contrived by Mr. O’Keefe? Explain this, then, please –

Clinton Operative Fired After ‘Mentally Ill’ Project Veritas Video

It’s beginning to look as if people are finding themselves in front of the figurative firing squad as more and more Project Veritas videos are being released.

James O’Keefe, an investigative reporter and the founder of Project Veritas, released a video Monday that showed Hillary Clinton campaign worker and National Field Director for Americans United for Change Scott Foval admitting that he and others in the campaign had paid “mentally ill” and “homeless” people to incite violence at rallies for Republican nominee Donald Trump.

According to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Foval has been fired by Americans United for Change, according to a press release from the organization’s president, Brad Woodhouse. Woodhouse is also the president of the Democratic super PAC, American Bridge.

So, is that the end of the negative fallout over the video’s? Oh, no. The other prominent Democrat named has resigned –

Senior Democratic strategist resigns after video surfaces showing his staff planning to incite violence at Trump rallies and discussing paying mentally-ill people to disrupt GOP events

A Democratic operative campaigning for Hilary Clinton has resigned and another has been fired after a video surfaced purportedly showing members of their organization discussing ways to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies.

Robert Creamer — the husband of Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois — said he was ‘stepping back’ from his role after conservative activist James O’Keefe released footage appearing to show senior staffers plotting ways to undermined the Republican candidate’s campaign events.

In the video, Creamer and other strategists appear to advise protesters to get into situations where they would be captured on camera, producing footage that could be used at later stages of the race for the White House.

Creamer’s staffers also appear to take credit for a violent protest in Chicago on March 11, that forced the Secret Service to cancel a Trump rally.

Allahpundit then drops this into the collective internet’s lap –

Project Veritas, part two: Dem activists discuss best practices in committing voter fraud without getting caught

If you watched yesterday’s video, you already know who Scott Foval is. And if you read the news online last night, you already know he’s been fired after PV revealed his schemes to use mentally ill homeless people, among others, to inspire “anarchy” at Republican events. Whether Foval has really been “fired” or merely lateral-ed over to some other dark-arts Democratic operation, of which there seems to be an infinite amount, time will tell. It’d be mighty weird for Dems to suddenly grow a conscience about this stuff after employing him, seemingly to successful ends, for years.

The new video out this afternoon resumes with Foval but the topic this time is more immediately germane to the election: How much voter fraud is going on out there?

Allahpundit then describes how Foval would work to commit voter fraud, and then speculates that although Foval has now been cut loose, that he’ll probably pop back up somewhere else to work his dirty tricks (wouldn’t surprise me), and then ends with the news about Creamer resigning.

So to recap –

  • NC Republican office gets firebombed
  • Project Veritas video is released purportedly showing that demonstrations at Trump campaign rallies are organized by Dem operatives
  • Uproar ensues on the internet, resulting in one ‘player’ being fired
  • Delaware County Republican office is vandalized, Trump lawn signs being stolen
  • Second ‘player’ in Project Veritas video resigns
  • Second Project Veritas video released showing how Dem operatives commit voter fraud (starring now fired first ‘player’)

So is any of this linked at all, or am I seeing connections that aren’t really there? I don’t really know if these are linked, but you know what? Imo, it’s plausible, and frankly it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

One giant criminal organization

Updated below.

New FBI files contain allegations of ‘quid pro quo’ in Clinton’s emails

FBI interview summaries and notes, provided late Friday to the House Government Oversight and Intelligence Committees, contain allegations of a “quid pro quo” between a senior State Department executive and FBI agents during the Hillary Clinton email investigation, two congressional sources told Fox News.

“This is a flashing red light of potential criminality,” Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, who has been briefed on the FBI interviews, told Fox News.

He said “there was an alleged quid pro quo” involving Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and the FBI “over at least one classified email.”

“In return for altering the classification, the possibility of additional slots for the FBI at missions overseas was discussed,” Chaffetz said.

As Fox News previously reported, interviews released earlier this month, known as 302s, reveal the serious allegation that Kennedy applied pressure to subordinates to change classified email codes so they would be shielded from Congress and the public. Fox News was told as far back as August 2015 that Kennedy was running interference on Capitol Hill. But Kennedy, in his FBI interview on Dec. 21, 2015, “categorically rejected” allegations of classified code tampering.

Using a personal private email server to conduct all business, meeting between AG Lynch and Bill Clinton, granting of immunity to people involved, President Anonymous stating publicly that he only learned of the server from the news while emailing Clinton at her private server, State Department slow walking every FOIA request relating to the private server, State Department official(s) offering quid pro quo deals to the FBI, media complicit in the cover up, multiple spokes persons for State, FBI, and Clinton constantly lying about it, along with Clinton herself all add up to only one conclusion.

One giant criminal organization, headed by the President, AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, and Hillary Clinton. There is no other plausible explanation for all that has transpired over the years.


Related –

‘Quid pro quo’: FBI files show top State official tried to ‘influence’ bureau on Clinton emails

GOP calls mount for Patrick Kennedy’s resignation after FBI revelations

Dark Election: Video Shows Possible Illegal Coordination Between Clinton Super PACs, Operatives Instigating Violence At Trump Events

And we are on the verge of continuing this for at least four more years.

Update: More here: Seven more Hillary Clinton scandals exposed by WikiLeaks