Hillary in denial, shifts blame for loss to Comey

Clinton tells fundraisers FBI Comey letter sank presidential bid

Hillary Clinton has offered a couple of private but candid explanations about why she lost her White House bid, telling high-dollar fundraisers Saturday that FBI announcements about a second probe into her emails from her time as secretary of state were too damaging.

Clinton said, “Our analysis is that Comey’s letter raised doubts that were groundless and baseless…” and “stopped our momentum,” a DNC fundraising source who was on the call told Fox News.

The finger pointing blame game continues apace, as Hillary is in complete denial as to the real reason she was not elected, with FBI Director James Comey squarely in the cross hairs, as their “analysis” outlined above, shows that his letters, and his letters alone are the reason she did not get elected.

Nothing mentioned about:

Her private email system perhaps being illegal, and thus very troubling to a large segment of the electorate;
Her inability to appear spontaneously human, therefore coming off robotic;
Her continuous swiveling as she pandered to whichever group she happened to be speaking to at the moment, often countering what she had just said at a previous “rally”;
Her obvious “IT’S MY TURN!” sense of entitlement;
Her overt condescension to half of the electorate in calling them “deplorable” (which became a huge rallying cry for Trump supporters);
Her constant lies – about anything and everything, both big and small;
People becoming convinced that she, and her DNC/Media enablers were doing whatever they could to cheat her into the office.

Yeah, none of that factored into why she lost. It was all his fault because he wrote two letters to Congress (granted, they were both outside “normal protocol”, but what was done was done). And yet, it wasn’t Comey who set up the illegal server which led to all of this, it was Hillary who had that done. It wasn’t Comey who systematically went about keeping records out of the public’s, and Congress’s, view – again, illegally – hiding her activities with the Clinton Foundation while she was SecState. She, and her co-conspirator minions, did that.

Nope. As usual, none of that was Hillary’s fault, it was someone else who was at fault.

Except, it wasn’t.

Author: Gray Wolf

US Navy (R) vet of the Cold War/Viet Nam War Era. Reagan Republican. Used to work in the Multi-family Housing industry, but now retired. Seahawks and Mariners fan since their respective inceptions.

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