So, what to do about Hillary?

Now that the election is over, what do we do about Hillary and her email scheme?

Congressional Clinton probes will go forward post-election, GOP lawmakers say

At least four congressional investigations into Hillary Clinton’s personal email use and mishandling of classified information are expected to go forward even after the former secretary of state’s election loss last week, Republican lawmakers tell Fox News.

The probes, which cover allegations that Clinton lied to Congress about her email practices in October 2015 and that government records were destroyed, are ongoing and not dependent on the election’s outcome, two senior Republican senators said.

“I still don’t have the information I need,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told Fox News. Johnson said the work of his committee, with jurisdiction over government records and the mishandling of classified information, would be careful not to disrupt President-elect Donald Trump’s priorities.

“I think it’s one of the messages of this election that the public is disgusted when they see double standards, when they think people in high places, high government officials can get away with what ordinary citizens can’t,” he said. “So, I just think it’s extremely important to follow this thing through and get all the information. Make it public.”

A spokesperson for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said answers, not the political calendar, are driving investigators.

Continuing with the investigations into her exclusive use of an illegal, private email system designed to hide her activities while SecState from Congress and the American people, and the quid-pro-quo/pay-to-play allegations regarding the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, certainly seems worthwhile, but is it really? Here’s Andrew C. McCarthy’s take –

Will Obama Pardon Hillary? Should He?

White House press secretary Josh Earnest raised some eyebrows on Wednesday when he engaged on the question whether President Obama would pardon Hillary Clinton before leaving office. Earnest did not indicate that the president had made any commitment one way or the other, but the fact that he is clearly thinking about it is intriguing.

The question primarily arises because there is significant evidence of felony law violations. These do not only involve the mishandling of classified information and the conversion/destruction of government files (i.e., the former secretary of state’s government-related e-mails). It has also been credibly reported that the FBI is investigating pay-to-play corruption during Clinton’s State Department tenure, through the mechanism of the Clinton Foundation — the family “charity” by means of which the Clintons have become fabulously wealthy by leveraging their “public service.” Thus far, Mrs. Clinton has been spared prosecution, but we have learned that the e-mails aspect of the investigation was unduly limited (no grand jury was used); and the legal theory on which FBI director James Comey declined to seek charges is highly debatable, even if it has been rubber-stamped by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

So, if you’re a law and order type, like me, you’re probably cringing, like me, at the prospect that she could be pardoned – in effect, sweeping everything about this under the rug – thus proving without a doubt that there is a two-tiered “justice” system, one for the so-called elites, and one for everyone else.

If President Legacy doesn’t pardon her (perhaps in retribution for her not covering his rear end by losing, thus putting his “legacy” in peril), would President Elect Trump do so after he is sworn in? Let’s check in with Jazz Shaw on that –

So I guess we’re seriously discussing a pardon for Hillary Clinton now

Lock her up!

How many times did you hear that during the endless campaign of 2016? I lost count long ago. With the President Elect not tipping his hand at this point as to whether or not there will actually be a special prosecutor looking into Hillary Clinton’s “situation” we have no guidance as to how we should proceed. But as long as the possibility exits, plenty of pundits are speculating on the possibility that Barack Obama might want to issue a full and complete pardon to Clinton before he leaves office. Not too long ago I would have scoffed at the idea, but in what has already been one of the strangest years in American politics on record I’m no longer quite so sure. [Emphasis in the original]

After citing Andrew C. McCarthy’s article linked to above, he continues –

I’ve been mulling this one over for a couple of days and it seems to me that it’s a double edged sword for both the Republicans and the Democrats. Right up front I absolutely agree with Andrew’s statement in the linked article that, there is significant evidence of felony law violations. (And he explains the details very well.) If we look at this from an unbiased, law and order perspective, you can certainly make the argument that a full investigation is called for and a trial if the results indicate such is required. This is essentially the argument in favor of going after her. But this is one of those cases where you simply can’t extract the politics from the equation.

Arguments against pursuing such a course of action seem to be centered on the political fallout and potential blow back from Democrats in Congress and among their rank and file voters. That’s probably overstated. It’s not as if the Democrats are lining up to “work with the new President” in any meaningful way and most of Hillary’s voters weren’t going to be helping us out in the midterms anyway. But it could certainly build on the perception of Trump as a bully who is seeking to punish his enemies via the power of his office and that might turn off some of the voters in the middle. [Emphasis in the original]

I too have been mulling this over the last couple of days, but I differ slightly with Jazz here, in that, if Trump does push for a Special Prosecutor, I think blow back from Democrats, both in Congress and the rank and file, is something to be taken into consideration, if you also consider the outrage machine quaintly known as the MSM that would be in full throat, spilling vast quantities of ink. But I do agree that voters in the middle would look askance at Trump – with the accusations coming from the outrage machine quaintly known as the MSM that Trump is being the big, bad bully that they always said he was.

So, what to do about Hillary? Since I think this is now a six of one, half dozen of the other, damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation, I have no idea … nope, I got nothin’.

I do think that something needs to be done, if for no other reason than to change the perception of a two tiered “justice” system, but exactly what, and how to do that unknown what? Like I said, I got nothin’.

How about you? If you could finish this sentence, what would you say? “I think Hillary should …”

Author: Gray Wolf

US Navy (R) vet of the Cold War/Viet Nam War Era. Reagan Republican. Used to work in the Multi-family Housing industry, but now retired. Seahawks and Mariners fan since their respective inceptions.

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