Unaffordable health care

President pushes ObamaCare despite double-digit rate hikes

Despite rate and deductible increases, President Obama on Thursday defended his namesake health care program and said millions of Americans “now know the financial security of health insurance” because of the Affordable Care Act.

The financial security of health insurance? AYFKM? If this statement wasn’t so pathetically immoral, it would be hilarious. As the old TV ad slogan goes, “But wait! There’s more!”

His remarks came as ObamaCare sticker shock is getting even worse in some parts of the country, as more and more states are approving soaring rate increases for next year- with one Arizona town seeing a 75 percent hike and another in Minnesota seeing a 190 percent increase in deductibles over the course of four years.

“It’s absolutely unaffordable,” Minnesota Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt told FoxNews.com. “I don’t even consider that health coverage.”

With some families forced to shell out $2,000 a month for insurance that comes with a whopping $13,000 deductible, Daudt said for some the only option is to pull their coverage and pay a fee for not having insurance, which in 2016 came out to $695 per adult and $347.50 per child (up to a maximum of $2085.)

“It’s catastrophic,” Daudt said, adding that he’s talked to Minnesotans who are being forced to financially drop their coverage, pay the fine and save money on the side for medical emergencies.

However Obama, speaking in Miami, maintained “It’s worked,” but admitted the program wasn’t perfect. “No law is.”

It’s worked? Insofar as it has fundamentally transformed American healthcare from something that generally worked well (with fixable problems) and was generally affordable (although it’s a fact that not all could afford to have insurance), to the current disaster that it is today that doesn’t work well at all and is no where near affordable (hence the subsidies – hello!), if that was your goal, well you made it across that goal line.

But here’s the two elephants in the room that the administration and their media hacks rarely admit to –

1. Government subsidies to allay the cost of health insurance. Remember that broken promise (among many more lies) that your insurance would be cheaper? If that was ever the intended outcome (it wasn’t – see below), then what was the purpose of including the government subsidies to allay the cost of health insurance? If the cost was going to go down, why were the subsidies even needed? Because they knew that they were lying about the costs going down, and that they would be going up, instead. And who pays for those government subsidies to allay the cost of health insurance? Not the insurance companies, that’s for sure. The clue here, in case your eyes are glazing over by this point, is the word “government”. Where does the government get it’s money? Yeah, you guessed it – the taxpayers. So, in essence, we’re being forced to double dip in this scam, through having to pay higher premiums and deductibles – IF we can even afford to have insurance – and having to subsidize others so they can “afford” to have health insurance. Double irony in my own life – I can’t afford health insurance, as I’m on a fixed disability income, yet through my taxes, others are getting subsidies so they can get health insurance. Go figure. Oh, don’t bother suggesting I apply for a subsidy. The tax/fine is still less than the premiums and deductibles I’d have to pay.

2. This law was never intended to be a good, working, and effective piece of legislation. Let me repeat that. This law was never intended to be a good, working, and effective piece of legislation. The mask has slipped a couple of times, with the media quickly rushing in to go, “Look! TRUMP!”, to distract everyone away from where the mask slipped. What am I talking about? What is this “mask”? The “mask”, the cover up, is the desire on the Left to get us into a single payer system eventually, where the government in essence is both your insurer and your provider, but the sooner the better. If you aren’t sure what a single payer system is, look no further than our own VA health system. The system that has literally allowed hundreds of veterans to die as they rationed health “care” – from appointments to drugs to even which doctors they could see. Or, for a couple of other examples of rationed “care”, look no further than Britain and Canada. I, for one, certainly don’t want to see single payer as the government has proven time and again that they are inept as running a business, and they should not be allowed to run this one!

Other related links –

Republicans pounce on Obamacare after White House announcement

Make sure to check out the chart showing the premium change rates.

Gerri Willis: The ObamaCare endgame is coming into view

The ObamaCare endgame is coming into view. In Colorado, where ObamaCare enrollees face 20 percent premium hikes, voters will decide Nov. 8 whether to create a new single payer healthcare system. Said to cost $25 billion, the new ColoradoCare would be funded by a 10 percent payroll tax plus various other levies. Keep in mind that state’s entire budget is just $27 billion.

Likewise, the president last week said the antidote to the loss of major private insurers from ObamaCare is the creation of a government-backed insurer to provide competition on exchanges that have none. Who knows how much that would cost or if it could even be successful? I guess he’s hoping the American people failed to notice that $330 billion in taxpayer dollars has already been spent on Obamacare, with lackluster results.

In the same speech made in Miami, the president said we should regard ObamaCare as “a starter home. “It’s a lot better than not having a home,” he said. “But over time, you hope you can make improvements.”

Adding starter home to the earlier Galaxy 7 cell phones? Oooh, President Metaphor is on a roll! Yeah, Gerri isn’t impressed either.

While the ObamaCare political football gets batted back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, millions of Americans are praying that they don’t get hurt in the process. And, they don’t want a starter home. They want top notch health care that they can choose.

What’s it all add up to? The very Unaffordable health care law is going to become even less affordable, as the Left tries to bully the rest of into their preferred plan of a single payer system. We cannot allow that to happen.